I live in L.A. and there is no way we are getting snow anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make some snowflakes!! Snowflake Pancakes that is!! ❄️
The pancake batter is easy to put together, they are fun to make, and yummy to eat! Check out the easy how-to for these cute snowflake pancakes to make this December!
I usually use a whisk to mix regular pancakes, but for pancake art a hand mixer is faster to remove all the lumps in the mix. A blender will do the trick just fine too. Follow your favorite pancake mix &mix about 2 min.
After mixing well, you can add food coloring if you like. I choose Duff’s food coloring…but I used one drop too much. I wanted a more pastel snowflake and so I over estimated the concentration of Duff’s color. This brand of food color has really vibrant color, thats why I love them…but still. Stick to one drop for a pastel pancake.
Pour your mix carefully into plastic squeeze bottles you can get at any craft store. I get mine from Michael’s.
The fun part! Spray some cooking oil over a skillet that has had proper time to heat up to medium to low heat. Start dotting away with that squeeze bottle per the video. Enjoy!!
Here is the blue snowflake, but I didn’t like it as much as my regular batter. ❄️
Like crepes, you have to make enough if you want a full tummy of snowflake pancakes to fill you up. They are quite dainty.
Too pretty to eat! I would say its about 3 snowflake pancakes per person.
Time to frost!…or you can just skip the frosting step, add a little powder sugar & your fave maple syrup. But if you are up to extra frosting decor see below. I used a standard icing recipe. Icing recipe here.
These little goodies were so fun to make & eat! Hope you take a morning to make these (dot-dot) snowflake pancakes for your little ones or loved ones. They will just love them and give you a big warm hug!! ‘Tis the season!