Happy Holidays!! I just had to share this easy DIY for the Reindeer Antlers I wore the other day. Seli and I had so much getting into the spirit of the season while wearing these.
Take a look at how easy they are to make!
• 2 large (extra fluffy) pipe cleaners
• any thin headband
• brown/tan tissue paper (I used the tissue paper I get with a purchase from Anthropologie 🙂 )
• hot glue gun (I prefer the low-temp gun for this project)
Bend pipe cleaner in half and the other half you bend again.
Add a dab of hot glue on the bottom edge of the pipe cleaner.
Roll over the strip of tissue paper that you previously ripped to about 1″ wide.
Continue rolling, and twisting tissue paper strip around the pipe cleaner. The more you twist the more texture you’ll have. Be gentle with it, you want the antlers to look organic.
Here I ran out of my first strip of tissue paper. I add a dab of glue to keep in place, and continue with another strip.
Keep going with this process until you reach the top. Fold over the tissue, as pictured here on the right, and fold and twist tissue paper to achieve the shape you want. Feel free to add a tiny dab of glue to keep things in place.
Once you reach the second mini-antler, you want to attach it with the help of the tissue paper. Again same process, touch of glue, add more tissue paper and twist and fold to cover the pipe cleaner and work yourself to the bottom edge.
TaDa! Mini-Antler! One more to go.
Once you have both antlers ready to go, fold the bottom edges of the antlers and wrap around the headband. Make sure you try on the headband and see where you want the antlers to go.
Add a generous dab of hot glue and pinch in place.
You can add glue to the headband itself for more stability, but I didn’t have to. The pliability of the pipe cleaner and how light they are was enough to stay in place where I needed them to stay.
Voila! You are done!
Your basic reindeer antler headband.
I decorated my headband with faux anemones in white. You can use any flower or other decoration you like. I wanted to use these again so I added the flowers to my hair and not the headband. Completely up to you! 🙂
Hope you guys enjoyed this quick DIY. It literally took me less than 10 minutes to make!
Want to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season with all your loved ones.
JOY, PEACE, LOVE, and of course…