My most recent costume adventure (La Flaca) has taken me all the way to New Orleans!! I partnered with my Toyota Latino friends on a musical journey to discover and experience the adventurous world of New Orleans. Which culminated at the Voodoo Festival in the spirit of their campaign #VayamosJuntos.
We collaborated on the making of a famous Dia De los Muertos (Day of The Dead) character called La Flaca. Together with Toyota Latino, we brought this character to life from the making of the costume to playing her as a character.
The cool and curious Dia De Los Muertos character La Flaca, was so intrigued by the amazing music + arts festival called Voodoo Fest, that she had to check it our for herself! And that meant coming from the dead to visit the living in New Orleans! There she experiences, sights, sounds, and tastes that are just out of this world!
The Vayamos Juntos campaign really spoke to me and inspired me to get up and try new places and things! I’ve never visited New Orleans before, I found the city truly enchanting, full of mystery and magic! Rich in history and OH MY GOODNESS the FOOD!!! The FOOD!! Thank goodness I am living and have real working taste buds, because the food was some of the best I’ve had ever! I only wish I would of taken clearer and more pictures of all the food I had, so I can share it with you! Nom Nom!!
Follow me on this photo journal of my weekend to New Orleans & Voodoo Fest thanks to my partnership with Toyota Latino. I had an amzing and unforgettable time! Thank you for having us NOLA!!
In my real world, everything starts with a sketch. Here is my design for La Flaca. It went thru a couple of iterations, but with the great collaboration of the creative team I worked with, we ended with something very appropriate for the fun, sassy, and curious character of La Flaca!
All the embroidery was carefully individually cut and applied by hand. It’s kind of like an art puzzle and piecing it together is one of my favorite things to do! ❤
Make-Up and wardrobe are all ready to go for La Flaca’s trip to Voodoo Fest to mingle with the living!???
It’s all in the details! Simply loved putting this costume together!. A lovely vendor in New Orleans gifted me this cute wire art with my name on it 🙂 ?sweet.
One of my favorite shots and a favorite post on my Instagram feed. Thank you to my photographer/husband Mucio who captured all these wonderful & magical moments of the trip. I think he should quit his day job and work with me!…heehee!?
La Flaca leaving her home to take a little road trip with her favorite set of wheels!
Yesss! Her favorite set of wheels with custom license plates for this one of a kind character of course!
New Orleans…La Flaca has arrived!
Just a little pit stop. ?
For these World Famous beignets!! Cafe Du Monde I love you!!?
Okay guys, I’m going to pause for one minute here.
This has got to be one of those moments in life where you say to yourself “Is this really happening to me? Am I really dancing/walking in full costume, in the middle of town with a full New Orleans band playing right behind me???!!” This is freakin’ AWESOME!!
And I didn’t trip!! Thank the heavens!!
For me it was one special moment that will always bring joy to my life….I think it had the same effect on La Flaca too! Thats why she wanted to wander back into the living, I’m so sure!
Yes Yes Yes. Happy Life Moment!
Full New Orleans band playing, steamboat background, my DiY fancy dress…and me dancing away!!
Yes Yes Yes! Thank you Toyota Latino!❤
La Flaca was already so excited dancing with the band, that she is more than ready for Voodoo Fest!!
Ah, finally! The Toyota Music Den! La Flaca has arrived and will take matters into her own skeleton hands!
Spinning on the 1s and 2s !!!
New Orleans we had a BLAST!! Thank you to my partners at Toyota Latino and the rest of the creative teams I worked with at NOLA! All the super talented and sweet people I met…You guys are amazing!!! You elevated this short trip to a whole another level! Truly!
Much love from La Flaca…(which by the way, is pretty funny since my family used to call me La Flaca when I was little, because I was a super picky-eater and was really skinny! lol)
Well, La Flaca came back for Voodoo Fest and Toyota Latino going places!
Can you share what make up you used and brushes for your makeup… I love love love it… or I mini tutorial
Yes! I will do my best to do a diy on this easy make up. Stay tuned.
Did you ever diy on this make up? I haven’t been able to find it? It’s beautiful.
Amazing!!! New Orleans is on my bucket list & so are those Beignets ?
did you make your own dress? amazing!