New Year… New Beginnings… It’s like an automatic “reset” button. And why not?
A New Year means hope, means a fresh start, means we are once more blessed with another year trying to do & be better. A New Year gives us an opportunity to forgive ourselves and forgive others. A New Year means being thankful to be alive!!
Yes!! It’s the New Year!! I’m so excited to start a new season of posts and inspiration. I know I’m already behind, I’ve waited so long since my last post… but only because of the holidays were right smack in the middle. It also didn’t help we had a massive party for my little sister’s birthday right out the (new year) gate! That was SO fun, it felt like a mini wedding, that we planned in the span of roughly a week and a half! Can’t wait to post all the details on that party later this month! It was a whirlwind thats for sure!
Well, lets kick off New Years with the pictures I intended to post 2 weeks ago and with my thoughts for 2016.
This is my annual New Year-Art I create for my Instagram account. Every year on January 1st, I post a picture of the New Year made up of some sort of food…last year the numbers were made-up of pancake batter, the year before that was made up of jelly beans. This year is left-over Christmas candy. *2016!
A Martinez Family tradition…king crab legs dinner for New years Eve. Clearly Diego’s favorite! Yum!
New Year’s Eve family dinner…this was the first time in a long while we host New Years at our house. Typically our tradition has been… our crab dinner & comfy pajamas watching Ryan Seacrest ring in the New Year for us. Not this year, we decided to welcome the year being loud, tummies full of food and lots of love!
We danced & played games. It was a New Year’s celebration for all the kids. We played a game about counting down to New Year’s. Every half hour the kids took turns popping a balloon with a specified time marked on it & that was filled with confetti. It was so fun to see the kids with a head full of confetti, screams and laugh when the balloon popped loudly.
We also had a few family traditions we enjoyed that night…my mom just love doing them…12 grapes at midnight, take out the luggage after you eat your grapes, and all your gold jewelry in your champagne glass when you make a toast. Kids loved it!
Photo fun with the one and only SeliBeli ❤️ 2016…..below are her cousins & brother AC.
My sister Ari and I flaunting that cheekbone we got from our momma! (highlighter from BECCA cosmetics 🙂 Sister Love always!
My parents are the cutest.
Rock sugar sticks in your bubbly makes it all that much sweeter!
Couldn’t wait for my midnight kiss.
New year’s celebration with my wonderful family was the best time. With almost 3 weeks into the year and SO much has already happened. Both my little sister & older brother celebrated their milestone birthdays (30 & 40 respectably) early in January… Wow! Thats kinda of big deal! SO fun to celebrate with them and tell them how much I love them.
I’m really happy 2015 is behind me…it was such a weird year for me, don’t get me wrong, it was a good year because I got to spend most of the year at home with my kids…fulfilling my dream of being a-stay-at-home mom. But it was also a year filled with anxiety & fear for the future. I left my 17 year corporate job earlier in 2015 and it felt like a gigantic chapter(s) in my life were being left behind…super sad. I identified so much of what I did to who I was, it was hard to differentiate sometimes. But now that it is behind me and a New Year has marked its arrival, it literally feels great to move forward and let the past be the past. I’m following my heart to do creatively whatever I want & share it with all of you. Thank you for all the support that you have given me and all the wonderful comments I received.
My goal is to share my family life, while at the same time I juggle all the creative projects I want to achieve as an individual, in hopes to inspire you to live a creative life full of love, balance, acceptance, positivity, and celebration for the moments in life.
Now that I have about 4 months of story-telling under my belt thru this website…(during which were the hardest months being the holidays and all) I can honestly say I don’t think I was prepared for how long it takes to create a post…or at least the kind of posts I want to create & share. But I will keep at it…there is clearly not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do while I raise my little big family with my husband…but I will try. I will surely try!
What can you expect in the upcoming months? Well, how about a little bit of everything!! Family… Fashion… Food… & Fun!!
But please don’t hesitate to comment on what you want to see on the site. I always love a challenge and I read all your comments!
Somethings to look out for:
• I will have at least one pancake how-to every month…calling this post segment..”Pancake of the Month” Should be fun!
• “Tip of the Week” will also be something I want to share with you. And that will range from make-up/hair tips to everyday life tips.
• Videos are still something I’m working the nerve to post on…my hats off to all those You Tubers, it certainly takes courage to be out there and doing your video-thang! Kudos to you guys! Although, I don’t think it will be often I post videos, I will do my best to share some tutorials and DIYs via our TBC YouTube channel.
• I’m very excited we will definitely have our TBC online shop open sometime in the Spring. Will share more details in the upcoming months.
So, those are some of the things I got planned for The Beautiful Circus in 2016, plus a couple other surprises. I can’t wait to keep sharing positivity & inspiration. Hope you enjoy it and give me feedback…so I can give you my very best!
Lastly, I just want to share that although 2016 started out simply fantastic with my sister’s awesome birthday bash…my year has taken a sad turn as of late. Big picture plans everything that I wrote above still applies & I truly can’t wait to share all the ideas I have in mind.
However, I may need to pump the breaks a little bit. I’m sad to say my husband’s grandmother has had some serious health issues and is currently in the hospital. We are truly hoping for a miracle to help with her recovery, but we really just don’t know. I hope you find it in your hearts to say a little prayer for our grandma, as we need all the positive energy we can get for her. She is truly a lovely, sweet, and strong-willed lady and we just want her happy & healthy with us again.
Thank you for being patient and know that my heart and thoughts are with my husband, his mom and all of our family…if I don’t post as regularly as I have hoped for you can understand why. I will keep you posted if anything changes.
Sending you all a BiG HuG!! XOXO
Sending your abuelita lots of prayers! Xoxo
HI Lily,
I love your blog and all the pretty things you do. So adorable!!!!
Excited for everything that is coming!!
And I’ll pray for your husbands grandma. I hope she’ll be better soon. ❤️ I know how that feels, mine died when I was 11.
Thank you for your kind words. We are hoping for the best. ❤️
Wow excited what the TBC online shop will consist of, I’m sure it will be something happy and colorful. Hoping your husband’s grandma has a speedy recovery, its always so difficult when a love one is in the hospital or ill.
Prayers, love, and light to you and Mucio during this time of sadness. His grandmother’s strength and recovery will be added to my prayer list.
Thank you April. We appreciate all the positive thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. xo
Can’t wait to see the “Pancake of the Month”…yummmieee. Happy 2016
Your posts always leave me feeling inspired! I am excited to see what you have in the works. 🙂
Sending you and your family positive vibes for 2016! Praying for your abuelita.
Praying for your husband’s Grandma and speaking sweet words over her to bring health to her bones! Love hearing about your family, seeing your imagination at work, and learning about your creative spirit!
Hi Lily!
Best wishes for the upcoming year! Reading your post reminded me of the book ” big magic.” I believe you would love it!
Stay strong