Every Sunday afternoon is always different, but enjoyable because we are doing something together as a family that doesn’t involve, cleaning, cooking, homework, projects, bills, yard work, etc.
This past Sunday afternoon we decided to go on the hunt for orange maple leaves (didn’t find much), eat some yummy hamburgers, and go book shopping. Some of the kids’ favorite activities to do.
Check out our little afternoon trip with my husband as our family photographer of course and the whole circus in tow. We strolled the very busy Grove in L.A. It was so busy, it felt like it was Christmas Eve!
I finally was able to have Seli wear her mini Minnetonka’s and that super warm & cozy burgundy jacket from Old Navy. And of course her infamous pink jelly purse. She seriously carries it e v e r y w h e r e she goes!
As for me, I opted for coordinating outfits with Seli & touches of burgundy on my J.Crew cap and cross body purse by Ralph Lauren. It was not super cold but just a little chilly…perfect autumn weather! . . . at-least on that Sunday, its back to being kinda hot again!
These boys! Growing up too fast! They do try to stay out of trouble, but boys always seem to have the wiggles when out getting fresh air! lol! I made them stop for a quick picture, but right before this they were in search of all the music speakers hidden in some of the planters. Oh boy!
Her Favorite! Ice Cream!.. apparently Santa’s too, it was a huge decoration on his house!
Ready to dig in!! Yummers !! ????
Umami Burger! The kids fave…I mean they are not even coming up for air! Noah’s face is priceless! Gotta love those fries too!
Pausing in the glow of a slowly setting sunset. A full tummy and ready for some books!
On our way to the book store. Seli loves the escalator! I guess if you’re 2 years old and you are carried up in escalators like magic, it might kinda feel like a fun ride, no?!
The view towards Santa’s house.
Now it gets dark at 5pm! ugh! So annoying…but it is time to go now, which means the weekend is also over.
Spending time with the kids in a setting which is about enjoying the moment and doing things the kids want to do, makes it such an enjoyable time for all of us.
I know they are growing up fast and there is more and more moments when I catch myself behaving more and more like my parents. It just happens, even after I said I wouldn’t be like my parents. Eek! I get it! I get so many things now about parenthood.
It’s a struggle to realize I’m a grown-up. A real grown-up. I take my responsibilities serious…but the struggle comes in when I sometimes really don’t care if the kids want to have a milkshake for dinner & skip their homework to do something more fun. But I know it’s not right, but it’s real, it’s how I feel…I feel like I don’t care. I want them to be free and have fun as a kid! As grown ups we have that power to make it happen…but they don’t know that. I gotta do the right thing. I gotta be a grown up and a good parent. I have to care for what’s always best for them, even if it’s not fun. Ahhhhh! I do sound like my parents! ?
Grilled chicken and veggies for dinner instead of a milkshake & go finish your homework, plus 30 minutes of reading!
We have next Sunday afternoon after all, right?
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You’re such a great mom :)))