Crazy October 2015 is finally over! It has been a short while since my last post…the circus at my house took over and I haven’t been able to post as often as I had intended to. It truly has been a whirlwind! Yikes!
So I wanted to drop a few lines & give you the scoop on what I’ve been up to, plus what I’m planning for November, the month of being “Thankful” …thats for sure!
For starters we celebrated my mom’s 60th Birthday! That was SO much fun and a bit of a blur with all the planning that goes into a special celebration like that. That same weekend, my husband and I had our Dia De los Muertos event to attend to (a very unique date night?❤️)…and since I made my dress, it was an exhausting 2 non-stop days of dress-making leading up to the event! Thank goodness for my husband feeding the kids & shuttling them to & from school!
So while all that was going on, I also worked on an incredible collaboration with my most favorite faux eyelash company, Ardell Lashes! Super excited for that project! I got tagged on lots of Teddy Bear make-up pictures! ? Thank you for those, I’m so glad to inspire you!!
So now, we got parties, events, dates, partnerships…what else can possibly prevent me from posting? I got a super duper fantastic sinus infection! AHH!! Getting sick is never part of anyones plans, at anytime, whether busy or not. So that definitely thru a wrench in everything.
But I still had to power thru…I still had the kids’ Halloween costumes to make and the school’s Autumn Festival to attend as well. I thought I had planned as best as I could with plenty of time….but no, I found myself at Party City on Halloween Eve! Big Mistake. (Party City is a shop where they sell everything for any party and practically everything you will need for a costume, plus full kid’s costumes)
I mean this was worse than shopping on Black Friday! It’s been a while since I’ve seen a checkout line that long. I had all my items picked out, but then I saw the line! I put back my items & walked right out of there! Atleast a 2 hour wait to pay! ahh!??
By the time Halloween night rolled around…I was all costumed out, so I was happy to create some Halloween make-up on my sister Jules instead. That was so fun to put together. For next years Halloween, I will definitely post a how-to on the Unicorn horn head band. I promise!
Last week I also did some husband outfit shopping for his 20 year High-School Reunion…lol, who goes to those? I mean its been 20 years! Move on people. The wives (of his high school friends) and I teased all of them for wanting to attend the reunion and re-live their Al Bundy moments. LoL. No thanks, none of us were interested in doing that. High school is were it needs to stay…in the past. Needless to say, I was happy to pick out a cool outfit for his reunion & hear all about it later.
But wait, that was not all, there’s more! This past weekend we celebrated my sister-in-law’s wedding too! Oh boy was that a sweet & fun family event. After being together for so long she and her now husband decided to tie the knot in an intimate & low key backyard wedding. I just love weddings. What could be better than celebrating L O V E!
Pretty jam packed right?! Well, while all of the above is going on…I also had my family from out of state staying over!! My aunt and cousins came to town from Texas & Mexico. So that was a real treat…they came to attend my mom’s party plus stay for a couple of weeks to visit L.A. I wanted to show them the city & do some shopping…I mean we squeezed in as much time as we could, not to mention all the clothes we also squeezed in their luggage! I was in “entertaining mode” until yesterday. It was sad to see them go, and we’ll miss them.
Now you can see why I wasn’t able to post when I wanted to. Each post takes about 2 days…from getting ready, prepping, photos, editing, and content writing…it’s quite a time consuming task to put a good post together. It’s what I’m finding out now after 2 months of having this little space on the net. It truly needs to become an act of passion & love because of all the time it takes to bring a story to life.
And I do feel those things…passion & love. I’m passionate about bringing something fun to inspire you with and I’m in love with what I do, all about using my creativity! Can’t say it enough, I couldn’t do any of it without my husband. He makes it all happen thats for sure. Thank goodness for him! ❤️
Well, below are some behind the scenes snaps of the crazy 3 weeks….that all though it might of seemed I was taking a break… trust me I wasn’t. But sometimes, something has to give and plus, I needed to get some sleep too. Thats always good. Sleep. Naps. So nice. ?
Entrance to my mom’s 60th Birthday bash… it was La Loteria theme! She loves to play the game and loves mexican food. It was a no-brainer. I will have a short post on this party hopefully this week with more details.
My beautiful mom doesn’t look 60 at all to me. She has the energy and enthusiasm of a teenager! I just love her SO much. I’m so blessed to have her with me. Celebrating her was a joy & my siblings would agree. Truly.
Just love how my dress turned out…there was a few moments I wanted to give up and get some sleep. but I have been thinking of making this dress for months…time always gets the better of me. I think I have the time, and boom I’m sewing the day before the event. Just typical of me. Nevertheless, it worked out…the only detail I ran out of time for was adding two large cream roses to the sides of my gold head piece. Oh well, there’s always next year. I guess I should start now! ?
Date Nights will never be the same after our dressing up for Dia De Los Muertos event. It’s so fun he gets excited as much as I do. Love him!
And what about all that Teddy Bear make-up for Halloween!?
- Inspired by my Teddy Bear Make-up!! So honored I inspired you!
- And happy to see some super cute faces with this cuddly look for Halloween!! You guys rocked it!?
Definitely wanted to post this 4 step Teddy Bear Make-up sponsored by my friends at Ardell Lashes. In case you want to use it for next year’s Halloween last minute costume idea, its easy and fast! What a joy to see you guys use it!
My partnership continued with Ardell for some fun Halloween looks, including a dark vampire, a creepy cute doll face (you can check them out on my Instagram) and this Floral Kitty .All about the details.
Last minute touches before photos.
Lashes & Sequins…what a Halloween costume should be made-up of! Meow!!
No words for this Cutey Kitty. So in love ?….
Then there was the Autumn Festival at the kids’s school???????
Cowboys & Super Heroes…who will win?
All in good fun for Halloween of course! I didn’t decorate the inside of my house this Halloween, but so glad my sister Ari did…I love what you’ve done with the place sis!
Tradition at our house: seasonal pancake art of course!?
These two little ones, a ballerina & an angel this year for Halloween… definitely always up to something mischievous. We call them Las Comadritas.? Not sure how to translate it, but it kinda means best friends, little best friends (who tell each other everything…gossipers really) Comadres (or compadres for men) actually is a term given when you become Godparents to each others child/children. They became compadres, because you baptized each others kids…hence little comadres: Las Comadritas.
My oldest chilling on Halloween night. He is now almost 11 & a half…too old for trick or treating according to him. I had to plead with him to put on some kind of costume. I guess I don’t want to let him go just yet. Moms hold on to all those kid moments, especially Halloween…make a big deal out of it…costumes, candy…all of it. Trust me on this one. One day it just stops. ??
My little sister Julie a true Unicorn Beauty! I will definitely post a DiY on this awesome Unicorn horn for Halloween 2016.
Had a blast creating these cool looks for my little sister for her Halloween parties. But then again she looks good in anything!!
Out shopping with the husband for a high school reunion look & working the H&M mirror! ha!
Needless to say he did not go for the red faux leather moto jacket at Zara. “Too much” he says. Not the look he was going for.?
haha! Just kidding, I wouldn’t make him wear this. But its still cool I think.
Seli about had it with the shopping, once she saw the Sprinkles Cupcake shop! Snack time…hey, it was a cheat day! ?
The wedding! Pictures came out blurry ? Best I could do…I was honored to do my sister-in-law Ana’s hair and make-up. She looked beautiful. The whole night was just so fun, especially because my husband’s family loves to dance, I’m so a Martinez!
Here is a pic of Seli Beli…she was too busy drinking a sippy cup in our family wedding pic up above. Oi!
Las Primas! My sisters & cousin hanging out. We are all like sisters, picking up right were we left off when we don’t see each other for a long time. I miss her already.
My sister Ari, cousin Nancy & cousin Ady…love these girls. Family is the best! I so wish they lived closer.
Oh boy!…what a month! Still trying to recover from it all. Unforgettable thats for sure.
Now on to November! What can you expect? Lots of fun posts about food, fall fashion and a couple of DiYs.
If October was about celebrating your imagination thru fantasy & fun…November is about being thankful for our family & friends thru food & quality time together. I look forward to posting some ideas on how I go about doing just that!
Until next post my lovelies!
Wow! You are so talented and inspiring to me! I really look up to all the things you do for yourself and your lovely family! You make me believe that anything is possible with effort and dedication! Love the blog and your insta!
Oh my dear Erika! Everything is possible. It really is! Im glad you are enjoying my site and are following me true Insta. This site try;y is a labor of effort, dedication and love! Thank you for supporting! ❤️ Look forward to continuing to inspire you!?
Lily, I just have to say WOW?? You are amazingly talented, everything you put together wether it’s wardrobes,makeup,costumes etc are amazing. Your family reminds me so much of mine, very close humble family. Keep up the amazing work. ???
Im so happy that we remind you of your own family. It makes me feel happy that you can relate to us. I love all those things…make-up, costumes, food, fashion, and most of all family! Its about having as much fun as possible with all the people you love! Its not that complicated. ❤️ look forward to continuing to inspire you!
Wow everything looks amazing!!!! I love the lipstick color you used for the Teddy Bear tutorial. Would you mind sharing which one it is????
Thank you! I believe its a combination of NYX Matte Lip Cream in Istanbul with Ben Nye lip liner in Brandy. I love them both!
Hello Lily, I discovered your IG’s account, through your sister Jules. I studied fashion design in Milan and now back in Brazil I’m designing jewels, and I just launched my own company called Madame Esmeralda and I’m designing and producing delicate jewelry. So I have been inspired by you and SJ to always pull my creative side (I have it by nature, but you are always in such a cool vibe, that inspires me more)! And you’re a beautiful family, a real one, you do so much things, create so much things, and every thing look original, happy, such a colorful celebration of life itself. So I’m passing by to say thank you and to encourage you to continue with this project (The Beautiful Circus) because it’s the perfect idea, suits your life perfectly, and even if it’s all about dedication and it takes time I know, be sure you will always have your audience because you are amazing. I love your site and Sincerely Jules too. My best wishes and sorry about my bad english 🙂 … xx
PS: I wish we have a “Dia de Los Muertos” and a Strong Halloween tradition here in Brazil, to create some cool costumes ideas, but here is more about Carnival, it’s nice too rsrsrs
Your English is great! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me such a well thought out and sweet comment. It completely made me smile! Thank you! Yes, you said best, follow that creative side…it is always connected to your heart…and your heart is never wrong! I wish you nothing but the best with your Madame Esmeralda line.❤️ Ps. I wish we also had Carnival here too! I just love celebrations…life should always be FUN!! Sending you lots of love from Los Angeles!?
I need all your blush and lip colors. It just says MAC, but do you mind sharing the shades? Love them all!
Oh my! Thank you!. I cant remember what i wear when. but my favorites are MAC’s Prism blush & NYX Matte cream in any color..they are all bomb! Sao Paulo is my fave all time. Hope that helps.
You are truly an inspiration! You are like a modern day wonder woman, with a creative twist in everything you do! Oh, & your baby girl Selina looks just like your madre. ☺
lol! Well thank you so much! Not a Wonder Woman trust…if I had those kind of powers I would zap all my laundry away! lol! Yes my little Seli totally looks like my mom! Love it! Thanks for following! 🙂
Thank you for sharing all you fabulous photos and memories from October! You constantly inspire me, and I hope to do something with all that inspiration soon ?
I’m glad to inspire you! I really enjoy bringing some of my life’s moments to a platform like this to share with you. Thank you for following me! 🙂
Que padres ideas! Me encantó el tema de La Lotería. Soy fan de las hermanas Sariñana…. Y mis respetos que puedes hacer tanto con 4 hijos! Yo tengo 3 y a veces no encuentro el momento para tener mi espacio y que fluya la creatividad. Keep inspiring! Saludos
Muchas gracias!! Y no creas, a veces me pasa igual…la creatividad no todas veces fluye, a veces tengo que ir a buscarla! Mi esposo me ayuda muchisisissimo, por eso puedo hacer lo que ago. Gracias por seguir nuestras historias! que tengas una fabulosa semana! XO
Aww just love your blog!
So Prettttttttttttttttttttty!
Am eagering awaiting the post for the DIY unicorn horn.
Want that for local comic con, I’m going as .. a UNICORN.
Thanx so much.
Hey! I would love to see how the unicorn horn was made! I really want to replicate this and cant seem to find the horn anywhere!! Please help <3 xx