The Dia de Los Muertos Festival was definitely an event we couldn’t miss! We just love this holiday so much that we had a Dia De Los Muertos theme Halloween party earlier this month for the kids and this past Saturday we attended the 16th Annual Dia De Los Muertos Festival at Hollywood Forever Cementery! It’s been too much fun…hectic, but fun!?❤️?
For those of you who don’t know what Dia De Los Muertos is, here is a quick recap:
Dia de Los Muertos is a day in which the living remember and celebrate their departed relatives & loved ones. We do this by building Altars called Ofrendas, and decorating them with candies, candles, flowers, plus the favorite mementos, foods and drinks of the departed.
In most regions of Mexico November 1 is to honor children and infants, whereas deceased adults are honored on November 2.
Its truly a Celebration of Life…the life that our loved ones once shared with us.
That’s why I’m really fond of this event…the vibe is so chill and full of happiness. Even though it’s at a cemetery, it doesn’t feel creepy at all. To me, there is a sense of peacefulness and joy that the departed are celebrated and remembered. I just love it.
Plus there is plenty to do, see, eat, drink, and hear!!
We decided to make it a date night for the husband and I, since last year we brought the kids to the festival and we all dressed up…the kids had fun for about an hour and then were ready to go. Oh, boy! You can imagine!
Anyway…since it was our second time attending and we really enjoyed it the first time (with the whiny kids and all), we decided to invest a little bit more time with our costumes & go by ourselves…I’m so glad the crowds at the event really responded to our Mexican Bride & Groom (‘Till Death Do Us Part) costumes and we had the pleasure of taking lots of pictures with a ton of amazing people & their great costumes!
Here is a detailed shot of my design & dressmaking process. I just love putting tons of lace trims together and creating something feminine and vintage like this!
The whole dress took me about 2 days non-stop to complete. Thanks to my husband for handling the home front while I sewed away with lace and tulle!
Uber(ing) our way to the event. ?❤️
I was going for a vintage bride costume, so I wanted my make-up to reflect that. Simple and light. I think adding the touch of gold to my eyes really helped tie in my gold leaf crown. My original design called for creme large roses on the side of my head, but I ran out of time to attached them to the crown. Sad design moment for me. But other than that the whole costume came out as I envisioned it. I loved it!
Some of my favorite altars. There were SO many and so creative! Complete eye candy for everyone! There’s three winners for this contest that each won $3000! Thats pretty good right!
Married to my Mariachi Macho! Ok, there is nothing macho about my Mucio! He is such a great sport. I love how he totally got into character and played the part! Love him for being so into it and supporting my crazy ideas! ❤️
Although I went to design school and have a fashion degree its been a long while since I created and made something so complicated for an amateur like me! but I have to say I was pretty proud of my self for completing this costume. Not gonna lie, I considered quitting because I had SO much going on around home that I didn’t really have the time to make a full on dress this detailed! But I stuck to it, and I realized I could’ve made my own wedding gown! Next time I think I will give myself more than 2 days to complete it! Project runway contestants..I feel you!!??
Taking tons of pictures with other folks attending the event. My favorite was taking pics with all the kids there!
Needless to say we had a BLAST! Already thinking about what I’m going to design for next years event!! LOL!
Thank you to all the wonderful people that wanted a picture with us and complimented us for our costume theme. All the long hours was totally worth it!
If you missed this event, there are still more throughout the city to celebrate with family and friends. Olivera Street, Grand Park, and San Pedro just to name a few.
Hope you can make it to one of those..they are so fun!…for the whole family!
You are extremely talented! I love everything you do and by the way, you and your husband make the cutest couple! 🙂 <3
Awe! Thank you! We are having fun with this site and inspiring people, thats for sure! ❤️
Oh my God. My daughter and I took a picture with you. You were our favorite couple costume. Doing random search for dia de los muertos and came across your picture,then your blog. You guys looked fantastic.
I don’t have the words to tell you how amazing this post is! I can’t believe you made this dress, you are incredibly talented! Your theme of ‘Till Death Do Us Part comes together so incredibly well, the Mariachi Macho is the best!
Again…I LOVE LOVE your blog! You’re killing it!
Yay! SOOO happy you like it! I love that I have the opportunity to share some of my fun projects now and inspire people…or just even put a smile on someones face! Have a great weekend! ?
Solo 2 días para crear el traje???? WAO, definitivamente Una verdadera obra de arte!!!!
Si! Dos dias! No dormi casi…pero lo termine!? Bueno, con decirte que no le puse zipper detrás de el vestido!…bueno, correccion, si se lo puse, pero no se lo puse bien, se rompio! ? Que bueno que te gusto! ❤️ (a y disculpa mi español!…no es muy correcto que digamos…pero bueno, ay me entiendes) xo
You are sooo talented and inspiring. I love the celebrations surrounding el dia de los muertos. This year i attended a dia de los muertos festival at Penn’s Museum in Philadelphia, but I did not dress up. Maybe next year?
Thank you! You should definitely dress up! Its so fun. I love this holiday, because we are truly celebrating the loved ones that are no longer with us. Its a love celebration for our departed love ones. ?❤️?
You did an amazing job, and are extremely talented! I am so excited you started a blog. I found your IG through your sister and have been following you awhile. I was intrigued by your ice cream pancakes and fell in love with your IG. My kids love the themed pancakes. You are an inspiration in everything you do fashion, home decor, food, and parenting. I look forward to your posts.
You look beautiful! I love how you make this a great art. I would love to use this custom for myself this year in Dia de Muertos. Any suggestions? I used you’re customs last year and I was a big hit.
Any suggestions on where I can start to make my creations?