The Love Letter

The Love Letter should never go out of style…I don’t care how many cute emojis they come up with so you can send an adorable text. There is nothing like writing and receiving a love letter. ❤️ I love Wikipedia’s definition of a love letter… “a romantic way to express feelings of love in a…


Dia De Los Muertos Party

This weekend we had a Dia De Los Muertos Party for the kids. Usually we have a Halloween party, but little Selina is at the that age were she is scared of anything Halloween. She is scared of our front porch decor or anything Halloween on TV. Pobrecita ?. Anyway, we decided a colorful and…


Flower Face

The Flower Face Costume I wore two years ago to my old company’s Halloween festivities, has to be one of my all time favorite costumes I’ve made. It was fun, dramatic, feminine, & comfortable, yet a very simple concept…a flower ?. When I finally decided I was going to go for it, I started to…


Here comes Halloween!

Here comes Halloween…Halloween, Halloween!! Okay, so its not October yet, yes I know. But if you have been out shopping you have already noticed all the Halloween costumes and party stuff out in all your favorite retail spaces. With the popularity of Halloween only growing every year, I think everyone wants to take advantage of…
